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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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About the School

St Mary's is a Church of England Primary School where we aim to attain high standards within a caring, Christian ethos.


As a Church of England School, the Church of England (through the school's Governing Body) is responsible for:

  • The religious direction of the school.
  • The appointment of all staff.
  • Major repair and development work relating to the school building (which it owns).

The Church's responsibility is administered through the Diocesan Board of Education at the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. We have close links with the diocese and with St Mary's Church in Hadleigh, the rector of which is an ex officio member of the school's governing body.


On 1st February 2016, St Mary's Church of England Primary School, still remaining as a church school, converted to an academy under the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese Multi Academy Trust; the Multi Academy Trust taking over the responsibility previously provided by our Local Authority, Suffolk County Council, now provides us with the budget to cover fuel, building and grounds maintenance, salaries, equipment, services, cleaning, in-service training of staff, swimming and instrumental music. The Multi Academy Trust retains some funds for support, advice and central administration.


Our aims:
  • To live by our Christian values;
  • To show positive attitudes to other people, ourselves, the school environment, the wider environment and the community;
  • To make sure our school is welcoming and well cared for;
  • To ensure we all see and experience a stimulating and challenging environment;
  • To make sure children are praised for their achievements and encouraged to do their best;
  • To ensure that resources are well managed, well cared for and accessible to children and staff;
  • To achieve the highest possible standards in relation to age and ability;
  • To provide well planned work, with lessons which have a clear sense of purpose and are well structured;
  • To ensure that everyone reflects on their practice with the aim of improvement;


To make sure all staff believe they can make a difference and have a positive impact on pupil achievement;


St Mary's Church School exists to serve the children that pass through it. The whole life of the school is a continuing process and constant evaluation and appraisal is taking place, especially in the curriculum and class work.

St Mary's Hadleigh Video Tour

Enjoy a virtual tour around St Mary's C of E Primary School Hadleigh

Our School Prayer


Heavenly Father
This is our school.
We offer it to you.
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of contentment.
Let love abide here:
Love of one another,
Love of mankind,
Love of life itself
And love of you.
Help us to remember that,
As many hands built our school,
So many hearts make our school.
We ask this in the name of
Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Saviour.
