Contact Details
You can contact the school by one of these methods:-
If you are a parent/carer notifying an absence, please telephone the school office on 01473 823268. For admission queries, please contact Simone Ferguson.
Paper copies of any information on this website can be supplied for free to parents on request.
You can telephone, call at the school office during school hours, email or write to us at:
St Mary's Church of England Primary School
Stonehouse Road
Telephone: 01473 823268
As a school, we aim to be approachable and available to discuss your child and their needs. It is school policy for this to take place during school hours or by appointment after school. Teachers may be available for brief impromptu conversations before or after school but please note that time before school is more pressured because teachers are responsible for the other children in the class. The Pastoral Support Worker is available for parents to speak to before and after school and, during school hours, she can be contacted by phone (01473 823268) or email at
Should you need to contact us, and you are unable to speak to us in person at school, please do so via a telephone call to the school office (01473 823268) or email us on, stating in the subject line who the message is for. Any telephone messages or emails left or sent outside of school hours will be responded to at the earliest opportunity during school hours. It is not school policy for staff members to respond to messages about school sent via personal messaging services. Private and personal messages will not receive a response.
Safeguarding Contacts
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Andrew Frolish |
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead | Leon Hall |
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead | Sheena Johnson |
Named Governor for Safeguarding | Gloria Powell |
The school's safeguarding contacts can all be reached via the school office.