Year 3- Beech
Updated 12.10.24
Welcome to Beech Class!
We are Year 3 and our teachers are Mrs Tooke on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Oliver teaches us Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Roberts: mornings only.
In Beech Class we decided which rules we felt were important to us together.
These are our classroom rules so that we feel happy and safe in school.
Be kind, helpful and respectful.
Treat everyone equally.
Listen to everyone.
Be honest.
Persevere, focus and reflect.
We wrote our own 'End of Day Class Prayer' together.
The current Christian Value that the school is focussing on is : COMPASSION
Our amazing class.
Beech Class Timetable
Our topics for learning:
History and Geography:
Egypt and Ancient Egypt, Britain in Ancient Rome, Comparing Italy with the UK.
Animals including humans, Light and Shadows, Forces and Magnets, Plants ( roots & shoots), Plants ( flowers, fruits & seeds), Rocks and Fossils.
We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday .
Please send your child into school in smart PE kit on these days.
This includes:
Blue shorts and White T-shirt.
Navy/blue jogging bottoms and hoodie for all weather conditions.
Suitable Trainers.
Swimming takes place during the Summer Term. Further information will be provided nearer the time.
Home Learning:
In Year 3 'Home Learning' means regular reading, practising spellings and times tables each week.
Reading: We recommend your child reads to you a minimum of 3 times per week, as well as reading to themselves. Please make a note of what has been read at home in your child's reading journal.
Spelling: This could be practised as often as you want and can be learned as individual words as well as children trying to write them in a sentence.
Times Tables: We also recommend practising times tables at home once a week and each child has a membership with 'Times Tables Rockstars' to help them do this ( weblink at the bottom of this page).
There will also be a more creative half term project. This can be worked on at home over a few weeks.
We have attached the statutory words for year 3 and 4 which you can have a look at with your child if you wish.
We will look at these over the year along with the words from the 'No Nonsense Spelling' scheme.
Useful websites