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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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The Multi Academy Trust and St Mary's Governors

The Multi Academy Trust
As an academy school agreements have to be made with the Diocesan Multi Academy Trust, the school and the Department of Education.  The Hadleigh St Marys Scheme of Delegation is the document which describes how the school and the MAT work together e.g. how the governors are appointed.  Appendix 2 to this document (Levels of Delegation - Trust Delegation Checklist) was revised in August 2019.  This document is available from the school office on request.


The Mainstream academy and free school supplemental funding agreement details how the Department of Education and the MAT work together and which also has an impact on the school.

Please click on the link at the bottom of the page.

The accounts of the MAT are audited each year and the result of this audit published on the MAT website.  The result of the audit can also be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page

St Mary's Governing Body

The governing body is responsible for the overall running of the school, monitoring the effectiveness of the education it delivers, the provision and maintenance of its buildings and facilities, its finance and staff levels, and ensuring that the school's various policies are effectively implemented.


Our Governors

Mr Andrew Frolish (headteacher) ex-officio

Revd Jonathan Delfgou (Incumbent of St Mary's Church) ex-officio


Foundation Governors
Mr John Turnbull (Chair)
Mr Roger Bannister (Vice Chair)
Mrs Gloria Powell MBE
Mr Chris Todd

Mrs Patricia (Trish) Pitt

Mrs Glenys Morris

Mrs Sarah Dowling


Staff Governor: 

Miss Joanne Oliver


Parent Governors

Ms Roisin Dunne

Mrs Lisa Rose

About the Governing Body

The governing body at St Mary's provides for 14 governors of different categories. This is laid down in the Scheme of Delegation, the legal agreement between the Multi Academy Trust and the Governing Body. A copy is available in the school office. Up to 8 foundation governors are appointed by the MAT. A staff member governor is elected by the teaching staff and up to 2 parent governors are elected by parents, but of course governors in other categories are also parents. The governing body can also appoint up to 2 co-opted governors to fill a particular skill that is missing. The headteacher is automatically a governor.


The governing body usually meets twice in each school term, but smaller groups also meet in sub-committees, dealing with, for example, finance, monitoring standards, personnel, premises, health and safety issues. Individual governors have a monitoring role for specific curriculum subjects, and may liaise with the appropriate teacher and, by arrangement, visit lessons to get an understanding of how the subject is taught. The minutes of the local governing body are available to view. Please contact the headteacher if you wish to view the minutes of the meetings.


A register of attendance at the Local Governing Body meetings together with date appointed to the role of governor is kept and can be viewed below.


The Governing Body Committee Structure and Terms of Reference can be found below.

The Governing Body have agreed to adopt the National Governors' Association Code of Conduct and a copy can be found below.


To contact the governing body please email the school or headteacher at


Conflict of interests
Some governors have other interests which may from time to time conflict with those of the school. These will be declared at the start or during the meeting if there is a conflict of interests. To be totally transparent, a register of the Pecuniary Interests of the Governors can be found below.

St Mary's C of E Primary School is part of the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. For information about their governance, please follow this link.


For information about the members and directors of the MAT, please follow this link.
