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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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  • Key vocabulary is taught, revisited and extended as children progress through the year groups.
  • Teachers encourage children to develop personal confidence in all aspects of the curriculum through positive language, termly certificates.
  • Pupils’ sporting achievements outside school are celebrated through termly assemblies.
  • Children participate in 2 weekly PE lessons (this will include swimming for one lesson a week for one term for Years 2 to 6)
  • Children are offered opportunities for extracurricular physical activity (after school clubs, breakfast club, wake and shake, lunchtime sports clubs)
  • Sports captains are chosen each year to lead coloured teams. Their role includes managing sports equipment and leading lunch time activities.
  • Play leaders and midday supervisors support activities at lunch times to encourage pupils to be involved in games and physical activity; pupils have access to Multi Use Games Area, trim trail, tyre park, outdoor gym equipment, table tennis and a range of toys and equipment.
  • Children have opportunities to take part in inter and intra school events (sports day, school games mark events, Hadleigh High School competitions).
  • Opportunities for outdoor active learning across the curriculum are planned; including the ‘Maths of the Day’ resource.