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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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Nursery – Saplings

Welcome to Nursery class!

We are nursery and our teacher is Mrs Jarrald Monday to Thursday. Mrs Tooke teaches on a Friday morning and Miss Amin on a Friday afternoon. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Girling and Mrs Self .


Mrs Jarrald

Mrs Self

Mrs Girling

Mrs Tooke

We have P.E. on a Tuesday. Your child will need a P.E. kit with shorts and a T-shirt.

Forest school is on Fridays and your child will need old clothes that cover their arms and their legs such as an old track suit, a puddle suit or waterproof warm coat and wellies.

In the Nursery we work using responsive planning. Our topics are taken from the children's interests and curiosity. We encourage the children to ‘Wonder' about all aspects of the world, their own lives and their environment; this stimulates a rich and explorative learning atmosphere. 

Please see the Early Years Foundation Stage page in the 'Learning' tab for more information about how we learn in Nursery.

Mrs Warren
