Opening Times
All children are the responsibility of their parents until 8:50am, unless given specific permission by a teacher.
Between 8:50 and 8:55am children are supervised provided they are on the hard playground areas.
8.00-8.50am Breakfast Club
8.50am School day begins.
10:30am Worship - except on Friday when it is at 9:10am - see below
10.45-11.00am Morning break *
12.15pm Lunch break
1.15pm Afternoon school begins
2.30-2.40pm Afternoon break for Reception, Years 1 & 2
3.15pm End of school day
3.15pm to 5.30pm After School Club
Total hours in a typical week is 32 hours, 5 minutes
* Playtime Snacks:
At present all children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Elm/Oak/Ash/Nursery) receive free fruit as part of the national fruit scheme.
For children in Key Stage 2 (Beech, Rowan, Chestnut and Willow) -
You are welcome to provide a fruit snack from home for your child to eat.
Information about collecting children
We would appreciate your assistance as we help children leave the school at the end of the day. Please ensure that we know what is happening with your child if collection arrangements are different in any way. If your child is going home with someone different, or you are going to be delayed, all we need is a quick phone call, a note or you could speak to us in person in the morning. We understand that sometimes things that cause the changes can be very last minute and you might not always be able to give us advance warning. In such cases we may wait until we have managed to contact you and clarify your wishes before we allow your child to leave school. We hope that you understand that this is in the children’s best interest and part of our safe guarding responsibilities.
School Worship
School worship forms a very important part of our school life. The following is our usual timetable.
Monday, 10:30am Whole school worship, led by headteacher, senior leadership team or visitor
Tuesday, 10:30am Each class has its own act of worship in the classroom, and KS2 have an optional choir session.
Wednesday, 10:30am Key Stage 2 in the hall, Key Stage 1 and Foundation in the classroom
Thursday, 10:30am Certificate assembly to celebrate the achievements of the week
Friday, 9.10am Whole school worship, led by headteacher, deputy headteacher or visitor.
Once a term we hold Achievement Assemblies on Fridays to celebrate achievements both in and out of school. Parents are particularly welcome to join us for these.
Please note that parents do have a legal right to withdraw their children from collective worship. Please speak to the headteacher to discuss the procedure.