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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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Sport and Physical Education

We are ACTIVE...  60 minutes Active:

We are committed to offering every opportunity for our pupils to be active for 60 minutes a day.  We have several outside areas dedicated to physical activity for breaktime and Lunchtime. We have adult led sports clubs every lunch time. Children are offered free after school sports clubs from Monday to Friday. We make links with local sports clubs, with coaches coming in to teach sessions each term to inspire our children to sign up for clubs in their local community.  We also make sure that children have active breaks during learning, in the classroom. 

Power of an Active School - Full Version

Are your pupils physical and emotionally healthy? Does this have an impact on their attainment and achievement? To find solutions and practical strategies join us at our new national CPD seminar.

Change4Life schools video

This video is a great way to introduce healthy living messages to key stage 1 and 2 pupils. Why not play it in class or an assembly? Find out more about Change4Life in schools on our School Zone:

Our PE Vision:

PE Curriculum:  

  • We deliver our PE sessions using the Get Set 4 PE scheme.  

  • Children participate in 2 x PE lessons each week (this will include swimming for one lesson a week for one term for Years 3 to 6).

  • We aim to provide an engaging and challenging curriculum that allows all students to achieve beyond their expectations. 

  • EYFS and KS1 enjoy the active outdoor opportunities that our forest school provides.


Social          Emotional        Thinking

We ensure consistency and progression using key vocabulary that is is embedded into each PE lesson. This vocabulary is repeated and consolidated as children move up through the year groups.

Key skills are taught, developed and applied in an engaging, active and challenging way. The progression is mapped throughout the scheme as these examples show:

Sports Teams:

Your child will belong to a coloured sports team. 

Green Gorillas. White Sharks. Blue Bats. Red Ravens.

Throughout the year there will be intra school active challenges between these coloured teams to accumulate points towards the grand finale of sports day!

Recent Events:

U9 Girls Football at Ipswich Town

U11 5 v 5 Girls Futsal St Joseph's College Ipswich

At St Mary's -  We Are Active!
