Year 5 - Chestnut
Welcome to Chestnut Class 2024 - 2025
We are Year 5 and our teacher is Mrs Dunham.
Our class TAs are:
Mrs Bannister Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Mornings
Mrs S. Harvey Monday and Wednesday morning
Miss Keeble every morning
Mrs Roberts every afternoon
Mrs L. Harvey HLTA Monday afternoon
Weekly Timetable
We aim to follow this weekly timetable but is subject to change due special events or children's interests.
Chestnut Class Timetable Autumn Term
Autumn Term PE
Year 5 will have their PE lessons on the following days:
Monday PE with Mrs L. Harvey
Please send your child into school in smart PE kit on a Monday.
This includes:
Blue shorts and White T-shirt.
Navy/blue jogging bottoms and hoodie for all weather conditions.
Suitable Trainers.
Thursday afternoon swimming at Hadleigh Swimming Pool.
Sessions are taught by Mrs Dunham and a swimming instructor.
Your child will need the following kit:
Girls: one piece swim suit, swimming hat and towel.
Boys: swimming trunks (no baggy style shorts), swimming hat and towel.
In the Autumn Term the children will learn the following topics:
History - World War Two children will learn about world leaders, the impact of WW2 on people and the causes of this war.
Science - Autumn 1 Earth and Space
Autumn 2 Forces
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spelling List
Homework and Home Learning
Homework tasks will be set on Friday and will consist of maths and English work.
Weekly spellings will be set and tested on the following Thursday.
The homework is due in for marking on Wednesday of each week.
If your child needs any help with their homework please speak to a member of the Year 5 team.
Homework Overveiw
Reading should be encouraged and be an enjoyable experience, please encourage your child to read on a daily basis - this does not have to be their class reading book.
Autumn Term Project
Theme - World War Two
To support learning about WW2 children will be asked to build a model of an Anderson shelter.
Websites to support home learning