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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

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Year 1 - Oak

Welcome to Oak Class!

We are Year 1 and our teacher is Miss Brinkley.

Our Class TAs are: Mrs Harvey and Miss Tatum. 



As a younger transitional year group, we balance learning through practical activities and small focused adult lead groups. We gradually progress towards whole class learning sessions as the academic year goes on. We encourage collaboration and learning together through play and enjoy learning outdoors. 


Our Topic for this half term is: It's a Wonderful World. 


In Geography for this term we will be learning about: Our Wonderful World. 


In Science for this term we will be learning about: Everyday Materials. 






 Our PE Day is: Wednesday

Please send your child into school in smart PE kit on these days. 

This includes:

Blue Shorts and White T-Shirt.

Navy/Blue Jogging Bottoms and hoodie for all weather conditions. 

Suitable trainers.


Our Forest School day is: Friday

Please send your children into school wearing old clothes that cover their arms and their legs such as an old track suit, a puddle suit or waterproof warm coat and wellies. 



Our learning in Oak Class

Oak Class Timetable

Maths Links


