Year 1 - Oak
Welcome to Oak Class!
We are Year 1 and our teachers are Mrs Tooke (Mon, Tues) and Mrs Ratcliffe (Weds, Thursday & Friday)
Our Class TAs are: Mrs Harvey and Miss Amin (HLTA) PPA cover.
Mrs Coghill, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Rose
Welcome to Oak Class.
As a younger transitional year group we have fun learning through our termly themes across all areas of the curriculum (see the overview attached for our topic headings throughout the year)
We balance learning through practical activities and small focused adult lead groups; progressing gradually towards whole class learning sessions as the academic year goes on. We encourage collaboration and learning together through play in afternoon sessions and enjoy learning outdoors in our developing Year 1 outside areas.
Please also see below:
- a timetable of how our day runs.
- our most recent "Oak Class News Letter"
- a guide to Year 1 home learning
- some useful links for phonics games and handwriting practise at home.
Please always ask us at the beginning or end of the day if there is anything you want to know.
Our PE Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Please send your child into school in
smart PE kit on these days.
Preferably; School uniform kit:
Blue shorts and White T-shirt. Navy/blue jogging bottoms and hoodie for all weather conditions. Suitable Trainers.
Oak Class Newsletter Autumn 2022:
We have had a fun packed couple of weeks launching into Year 1 Learning!
Year 1 Curriculum overview:
Our timetable (subject to change throughout the year)
Home Learning guide:
Contact your teachers!
Extra Sheets to help with writing:
Maths Links
Phonics Games and Links:
This version is tablet and mobile friendly. Use this spelling game to keep practising all your phase 3 & 5 digraphs